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Keep On Buzzing

This is an episode of Mrs Brown's boys. Or it should be!

There I was minding my own business brushing my teeth with my electric toothbrush. The base of the toothbrush got bored and decided to go for a walk. It took the scenic route to a crack in the middle of nowhere. As it fell down beside me, I tried to grab it but it went under me. Th more I tried to grab it, the more lost it seemed to get. I was rolling around the bed like I was having a demonically possessed epileptic fit, performing gymnastic moves that defy gravity. The more I tried to help myself, the more I did the exact opposite.
I was in the throes of disbelief thinking to myself How does this shit happen to me. I can't believe it and I am me! In desperation I pressed the bell for the nurses assistance from experience I know you can wait ages to have the bell answered. So mean while, I continued with my efforts to find the toothbrush. I was bent like a pretzel in the bed. I haven't moved like that in years or had that much exercise in years! The bed railings were up which is why I was trapped. So in a last ditch effort, I swung my legs over the railings and rolled over onto my stomach. There I was, legs over the bed, arse waving in the air with me trying to grab the buzzing toothbrush which felt like it was lodged up my ass. That's when the nurse walked in!!!  The cherry on top of my shit sundae, I ended up with 3 nurses beside my bed trying to fix the toothbrush. It seems the little metal thing had got tangled in my trousers.

Keep on buzzing
keep on hiding
cause some damn day
I'm going to be the one
to take you from my ass

Total Buzz kill

and an unwanted buzz


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