There are times in life when you don't want own up to something- holding up your hand to admit that you are present when the teacher calls the register, truthfully saying you're not sick, you have a raging hangover, admitting you ate the last slice of cake, or that you were the source of the nasty smell in the lift are good examples. At the tender age of 33, I looked in the mirror and said to myself "Petra, you're knocking on a bit, you better learn how to apply makeup". So I invested in some decent brushes and makeup. A few weeks later, I started losing my eyesight. My name is Petra and I am stalked by sods law!!!!! I discovered that I can still have fun with makeup. I might even start a You tube channel with tutorials. It might take off with bat shit crazy drag queens. I am perhaps a little too liberal with glitter. I noticed that my fancy brushes weren't in the makeup box. I had everyone searching high and low under the beds, behind furniture, the gar...