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shave me one more time

There are times I left hospital with more hair on my legs than my head, who ever was in charge of the razor in the hospital ( its definitely a man).
Unfortunately I had inadvertently  admitted that I had legs like a yeti, it keeps me warm anyway. I had been guilty of going on a rampage with the razor in my early 20s. I decided to do a evening course in dog grooming. I had two models, Daisy had feck all hair but I do have a shaggy dog (Juno the jack Russell). As my confidence grew, I put together some tools. I got my hands on a razor and took Juno out my back garden and got to it. I tried real hard to cut his hair accurately and neaten up the edges. I basically had a naked dog in front of me. I stood the wrath of my mother for that one, ever since that Juno has to be sedated to be groomed, she will attack a scissors or a razor if it comes near her, the following is probably my penance for shaving our dog. Karma is a bitch and it  bites

The first time I did a Britney spears I was 26 they had shaved off the majority of my hair so when I got home I decided to shave off the rest myself, I have a few tattoos so I suppose I was more like Sinead O'Conner rather than Britney spears with out the singing voice, my singing would definitely bring a tear to your eyes not in a good way though I built a nice selection of scarf over the years after a while I couldn't be arsed with them.

With all of the head surgery I have had over the years I am the queen of the comb over now my hair split has moved around more than my bowls have opened, I had a comb over so extreme that I would have put Donald trumps hair to shame after my most resent rendezvous with the hospital razor, some complete savage shaved a fat line alone my hair line the side of my head and the back they weren't  even operating there I looked like I had been savaged by a Demonic lawnmower. There was nothing my hairdresser could do but shave it all off. This was march and it was still very cold I enjoyed ripping my hat off and singing (oops I did it again)


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