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Nurse Star

Sorry for the delay with the latest piece of laughter. Between my brain and Denise's fingertips this story took a ride around the solar system. ( translation: we were all unwell in this house and Dad had a savage case of man flu!)

Any person who is a frequent flyer with their country's health service will tell you that they met a few nurses that stand out. During my extended stay last year there was a nurse who always seemed to be there when I needed her or when something crazy happened.  After my surgery I kept waking up having panic attacks. I was seeing strange flashes of colour in my head. I always wanted to see the northern lights but not quite like that! Every time I woke up like that, there was somebody there rubbing my back, stroking my hair and holding my hand. I never who it was but I really appreciated it. I do still like to do things for myself but it doesn't always end well! One evening I wanted to brush my teeth a nurse walked in to find toothpaste all over the bed, on the bell and possibly on the ceiling as well! There was a similar incident involving face cream. This nurse must have the patience of a saint because she walked in on a big box of markers spilled over the floor.  She would find jelly sweets everywhere when changing me and my bed!
There were 2 nurses that always stayed after change over to make sure their patients were looked after. I was always asking them do they not have a home to go to and saying the car park is two floors down.
In late February, we had really deep snow. very unusual for Ireland. In this country we can experience all four seasons in one day. But snow usually melts before it hits the ground. people were trapped in their housing estates. One of my assistants walked in snow up to her waist! Hospital staff weren't allowed to leave after 3pm. This country grinds to a halt with the tiniest speck of snow so it was a serious business this time. After the first night of snow, the nurse came in wearing surgical scrubs. I asked her had she graduated to a doctor or something. She said no, I slept here. I said Oh my God, you do have a room here with your name on the door like a rockstar. When she came in the next day I sang part of the song Allstar

"Hey now you're a rockstar, get the show on, get paid"

Finally breaking free from jail/ hospital I had a fainting incident. I was panicking when I woke up this nurse was there stroking my back, hair and hand. It was familiar. I asked was she the one comforting me after my surgery and yes it was. Dearbhla is rockstar!

Last summer I took another ambulance road trip to a different hospital. This was during the time I had my eyes sewn closed. People were writing on my face to communicate. In A&E a nurse came up to me. She wrote on my face that she met me in the other hospital last year I said that's a lot of nurses you will have to narrow it down but the first name that sprang to mind was Dearbhla. That is who its was working in A&E.
Thank you Rockstar

Shout out to some of the other lovely nurses I have met.

Mary, the ex manager of Richmond
Sarah with the red hair and Sarah with the black hair (Both from Adams)

Jesus Jean Jiloo Nicky Megan Olivia Fabio Jan Kay Michelle Leigh Miriam Paula Jai Lauren Niamh Hannah and Josh.


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