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Call of the Vampires

I've always been a lover of the supernatural the X - Files was my first love ( and true love lasts forever). Strange fact: I have several extremely thick volumes of medical charts at the main hospital where I frequently fly economy class and my chart starts with an X and with all of the weird and wonderful things you will find in my chart - I'm a real life X -File!

I love zombie stuff but I have no desire to be one. However if you wake me up at 4am, all bets are off! I did partake in the Dublin zombie walk several years back I wore a t-shirt that said this is my zombie killing t-shirt. On the back I stuck a note to it that said the t-shirt didn't work. Unfortunately  I think  that might have been a self fulfilling prophecy, especially when I'm on the hunt for a bag of jellies. "Sweets" "Sweets" "Sweets".

I have had a lot of problems with my eyes and late last year, they started giving me  eye drops made from blood serum.  I get donor blood serum. I have a stranger's blood in my eyes! I hope they live cleaner than I do! I get a new batch every six months. In June I ran out. The freezer at the hospital was on the blink. My batch got ruined. This stuff has to be kept frozen. So I had to wait a week while they cooked up another batch. My eyes were crying out for it all week. " I need Blood" "Feed me Seymour, feed me all night long" (plants from outer space are cool too). Oh my bloody God, they've turned me into a vampire!!!

I see better when I've had my magic blood potion. I know vampires aren't real (I think...) but fun fact: when you are turned into a vampire, you get better eyesight!!

I need blood, blood to ease my eyes
I need some serum to call my own
Pat pharma said "You can't hurry blood, no you just have to wait,
relax give it time
no matter how long it takes.


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